Friday 9 November 2007

Luke said, You should have seen Wil last week Gareth, he was inconsolable! You make a big difference to the class.

As for being single, try not to feel like the odd one out. We have all been single one time or another, and, unless you find the right person, being single is actually pretty awesome.

You only have to worry about yourself, you can do what you like, you can focus on your study and you can channel all your angst into a fantastic piece of fiction!

SO then i said, Thanks for being really patronizing Luke, i wasn't saying i don't want to be single i was just saying a night out is shit without a couple of lads out who can get pissed with you without wondering what the wife will say. On a connected note, if anyone does know any single ladies....

And one of my house mates said that i was a loser... but Luke was a wanker.


Anonymous said...

ur sob story doesn't impress me at all. not at all.

Anonymous said...

...maybe if you become a starving child in Africa I will grudge a tear, or perhaps if you became an abused dog. but as it is, not sympathetic...

Gareth Evans said...

it's not a sob story... i'm just misunderstood. and i have been an abused dog, it's more fun than it sounds.

Anonymous said...

"misunderstood"?? god, i haven't heard people call themselves that since i was 13!

Anonymous said...

brilliant...i love ur housemates

...and forget about it...i'm misunderstood too.

Anonymous said...

anonymous above is wil by the way

Anonymous said...

i dont share said housemates views however...

Anonymous said...

grow up gareth

Gareth Evans said...
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