Friday 9 November 2007

A review

Now when we did the seminar on reviewing i saw a chance to do something very, very clever; i am going to review Yellow Dog by my boy Martin Amis.

Now i am a big Martin Amis fan, i have read all of his books apart from the newest one because i haven't got around to it and his autobiography cause that shit always bores me. Yellow dog may in fact be far from his best, and may be widely accredited as his worst novel, (though i think that it's a damn side better than night train) however, it is bottom of quite a formidable list, and had it been written by another writer it would not be so readily criticized. Okay, so there are parts which lack the usual Amis flair, and for one of the only times there is no stand out scene or character in the book. ANother of the criticisms of this book is that we don't get to sympathize with the change of Xan's character because we don't see enough of him pre-attack. however, there are some really nice moments in this novel, particularly towards the end, when the character of Joseph andrews is introduced.
A brief review there, but to summarize simply, don't go out and buy it if ur not a fan, and if u haven't read any AMis then you should start with Money or Time's arrow. Another book which deserves mention is Dead babies, another great book. If you haven't read any Amis then you really should.

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