Tuesday 11 December 2007

The number 23

Also, while I'm posting, has anyone seen the recent Jim Carrey film The Number 23. If not, it basically tells the story of a guy(played by Carrey) who is obsessed with the number 23(as the title would suggest) after reading a book about it. And while the film itself peters out towards the end, as inevitable conclusions need to be made, Jim Carrey is on fine form as the obsessed dog catcher, and shows that he can actually act. (I should really point out that i hate slapstick, and slapsticky stuff, so films such as Liar Liar, The Mask and Ace Ventura are incredibly bad in my opinion. However, when he is actually acting and not prancing around like a twat he can be excellent- The Truman Show, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.)
Anyway, the point of this post is that the film struck up a bit of paranoia in myself, for example, my house number in wales is 23, The number 23 comes up in my phone number, and perhaps most strangely i watched the film late last night, just because i was bored in my house, and it was late enough to technically be today when i watched it.
The 11th of December.
11 +12 =

Watch it, and the same will happen to you....

P.S Listen to a band called Dogs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was trying to think of a witty comment to leave on your wall and how many attempts did it take me? 23!