Tuesday 11 December 2007

It's happened, and i am not ashamed of it.

So, after exhausting the supply of Martin Amis novels, (M.A's the king) i found myself with a spare hour in the library with nothing to pick up off the coveted M.A shelf apart from a book of essays, which i unbelievably picked up and skimmed through. You know when we spend four days writing an essay, (Which I'm sure many of us will be doing over crimbo) and think it's something pretty fucking special?
Yeah, well it's not, this guy can not only write great short stories and novels, but he can write unbelievably good essays too, which sucks for me and you, but, credit where it's due. Kudos.

Also this week i branched into the world of the elderly Amis, reading one of Martin's father Kingsley Amis's novels Lucky Jim. And i must tell you, it's really good as well. i started reading it yesterday afternoon in order to put off starting one of the three essays i have to write, and by two o'clock today i was finished, and i thoroughly enjoyed it, and will start on another one of his novels in the next couple of weeks. Which raises the question, Who's better? Anyone who's read a book by either of them feel free to vouch an opinion.

Also, listen to a band called Dogs.

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